Daily Motivation

Where do you live!

Where do you live!

What street do you live on?

  • Complacency circle:Most people turn into this neighborhood even though signs read "Dead End". One way in and one way out. Most people never leave. Too comfortable!
  • Mediocre Blvd- They have the illusion of being good with just enough. Not a risk taker. They dream small and compare themselves to others. Content with a little. Would love to relocate but believe that it takes to much work. Out of their league and not in their DNA.
  • Uncomfortable Road- Small neighborhood where the people here rarely sleep. Lights are never...



90% of people who read this title pronounced it as MY Story! Though spelled wrong it should be pronounced MYSTERY!

 Your story is a mystery! Just like my story is a mystery.

  • There is no cookie cutter one size fits all way to go about your goals. Yes some routes are easier than others and others may take the long road!
  • The fact of the matter is that "you are on a road!" Stay on it. Never get off and keep striving for excellence. The only person who can prevent you from achieving your...

Put In The Work!

Put In The Work!

Sometimes we want to skip and bypass the process and jump to the end result. Majority of the time we have to go through the trenches, the heartache, the pain to get to the glory. Often times people say:

  • I want a bigger house
  • I want a raise
  • I want my own business
  • I want my kids to be adults
None of these things come easy. A certain amount of work must be done before you achieve these. Yes, WORK. Roll your sleeves up, get your hands dirty and stay faithful to the process. Commit to the...

I Stay on E!

I Stay on E!

It's funny that we only get gas or seek out gas stations when we need it! Its kind of how we do God. What if our gas tank was set to E every night and we had to fill up every morning. This is how we should feel about Christ everyday. "Seek ye" the first thing in the morning. Not as a convenience. When we seem fit.

Some people even have a Tesla mentality
  • They can go miles without gas. They have these electric cars to help them avoid gas stations. But they can only go a...

Forget a Fitbit! What if we had a Sinbit?

Forget a Fitbit! What if we had a Sinbit?

Ok since the entire world is using this new invention called the Fitbit I have a question. If you do not know what a Fitbit is a simple Google search will bring you up to speed. Now to the question.
What if we had a sinbit instead of a fitbit. This lil thingamajig could track our thoughts, our sins, daily worship, prayer, and Christ like behavior.
Better yet, what if we all enrolled into a sinbit competition at work where the goal was to see who could be more Christ like, sin the least...