Get To Know My God Tee
2 Corinthians13:5 reads,
“Look closely at yourselves. Test yourselves to see if you are living in faith. You know that Jesus Christ is in you—unless you fail the test.”
To walk next to Christ daily is a daily struggle. We often stumble, trip and sometimes even fall. Just because we fall does not mean that is where we must stay. Confess our sins, dust ourselves off and get right back up. Thank God for His everlasting grace. Someone once said just because you have one flat tire does not mean you get out of the car and flatten the other three tires. That would be ridiculous. Same applies to our Christian walk. We fall but no need to stay down. Get back up and on the road to our goal. What is our goal? I am happy you asked. Our goal is to be more and more like Christ each day. We want people to see His reflection in us.