An audible in football terminology is a tactic used by quarterbacks to change the current play on the field.
In life, we all have plays in mind. We call them goals. Sometimes things happen that cause us to lose the ball, fumble, or lose yardage. Simply put a curve ball. This should not discourage us. We should go back to the huddle and reflect. Learn from what happened to us and make a game changing audible.
What exactly is a fumble or curve ball?
- Unexpected teenage pregnancy, call an audible. Get your mind right and get back in the game. It’s not over. You can still pursue your dreams and achieve your goals
- Divorce, call an audible. You have no idea what God has waiting for you. Keep your head up and know that you can still win.
- Job layoff or termination, call an audible. A no just means not now. Sometimes we have minor setbacks that end up as major set ups.
- Child in jail. It is not the end. Learn from the play that landed them there. Change the future plays and come out on top.
It is never too late. Life throws us curve balls. We have to be willing to adjust and call the appropriate audible. In the bible, Job had tons of curve balls thrown his way.
A quarterback never calls an audible with the mind set “we are going to lose.” They call it confidently. A loss is never on their mind. It should not be on ours either.
Keep your head up and stay in the game. Things happen but you have everything that you need to succeed. You can do all things!
Never Give up! Go get what is yours.